Apache 50 WG 3g

Active ingredient: 50% clothianidin. Formulation: water soluble granules (WG) Mode of action It enters pests via the body surface and by feeding and binds to acetylcholine receptors in the synapses of nerve cells. Induces abnormal behaviour by replacing the action of acetylcholine. Clothianidin prevents feeding and oviposition even if the d... Long description
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Active ingredient: 50% clothianidin.

Formulation: water soluble granules (WG)

Mode of action

It enters pests via the body surface and by feeding and binds to acetylcholine receptors in the synapses of nerve cells. Induces abnormal behaviour by replacing the action of acetylcholine. Clothianidin prevents feeding and oviposition even if the dose is below lethal levels for the insects. It also has a translaminar property. After the spray reaches the leaf surface, after a short time the pests on the phloem will encounter the active ingredient. Clothianidin moves easily from treated leaves to not only newly developing leaves but also to lower, untreated leaves.

Authorised crops, harmful organisms, other data
Culture Pests Dose Water volume (l/ha) YEAR
Apple, pear Leaf aphids 100 - 150 g/ha 600 - 1200 14 days
Pear-leaf aphid, blood aphid 300 21 days
Peach Leaf sprays 100 - 140 g/ha 600 - 1500 14 days

Potatoes Potato aphid 40 - 50 g/ha 300 - 600 14 days

Carnation, gerbera, chrysanthemum, African violet, hibiscus, geranium (greenhouse) Western flower thrips, greenhouse chrysanthemum 0.04% 600 - 1000 -

Other specifications for use:
Culture Harmful Maximum number of treatments Duration between treatments Treatment time (according to phenological status)

Apples, pears Leaf aphids 2 10 days depending on the condition of 5-10 mm fruit starts (BBCH 71)
2 weeks to pre-harvest stage (BBCH 84)
Pear-leaved boletus, bloody 1 - 5-10 mm from the stage of fruit set (BBCH 71) 3 weeks before harvest (BBCH 83)
Peach Leafy tops 2 10 days from seedling growth (BBCH 71) to start of ripening (BBCH 81)
Potato potato potato aphid 2 14 days to end of berry development (BBCH 79)*
Carnations, gerberas, chrysanthemums, African violets, hibiscus, geraniums (greenhouse) Western flower thrips, greenhouse chrysanthemums 2 7 days -

Technological recommendations
Do not use in the presence of honeydew or flowering weeds!
Aphid control in apples, pears and peaches should be based on a forecast, with the first control in apples and pears after 5-10 mm of fruit set and in peaches from seedling emergence, when the first small colonies appear. Only timely treatments are effective against species that cause leaf blight (e.g. apple leaf curl). In case of continuous infestation, spraying should be repeated after 10-14 days.
In apples, the control of apple cyst nematodes should be carried out by monitoring the establishment of the pest colonies. The most suitable time when the overwintered larvae emerge from the ground (or leave their overwintering sites) is early spring. Summer treatments are also necessary from the onset of shoot growth due to prolonged migration and overwintering in woody parts above the trunk. In particular, to protect young woody parts, spraying should be carried out at high rates (at least 1000 l/ha).
In pears, treatments against pear-leaf aphid should be directed against adults of the overwintering generation and young larvae of the spring generation based on local observation or forecasting.
In potatoes, it is recommended to control the potato cyst nematode at the time of mass larval emergence. Treatment should be repeated after 14 days if necessary.
Üvegházi szegfű, gerbera, krizantém, afrikai ibolya, hibiszkusz, muskátli kultúrákban a nyugati virágtripsz elleni védekezéseket az imágók betelepülésének kezdetétől kell megkezdeni. Treatment should be repeated after 7-10 days depending on the rate of establishment. The timing of the first control of the greenhouse mealybug should be based on the yellow fang forecast. Control should start when the first imago emerge and should be repeated after 7-10 days if there are large numbers. The product should only be applied in greenhouses with closed substrates!

Other useful information
Licence number: FVM 46118/2004.
Circulation category: II.
Occupational health withdrawal period: 0 days.
Shelf life: 3 years in original, sealed package in a dry, cool place in a proper pesticide storage.
Packaging: 50 and 500 g plastic bottles, 3 g leaf
Weight: 0.003 kg
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db

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