Dithane M-45 25 kg

Dithane M45 is a broad spectrum, organic contact fungicide. It can be used in vineyards, orchards, vegetables, field and ornamental crops against leaf, stem and fruit diseases other than powdery mildew and grey mould. Its uses are so wide-ranging that I will pick just a few examples from the table of traditional uses. For the winter cultiv... Long description
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Dithane M45 is a broad spectrum, organic contact fungicide. It can be used in vineyards, orchards, vegetables, field and ornamental crops against leaf, stem and fruit diseases other than powdery mildew and grey mould. Its uses are so wide-ranging that I will pick just a few examples from the table of traditional uses. For the winter cultivation of lettuce, fungicidal irrigation with a 0.2% solution of Dithane M45 is applied every 10 days, 2 to 3 times a day, to prevent seedling death. In the wetter areas, despite the preventive watering, the drooping may start, in which case the diseased patch should be sprayed with the above-mentioned product. This should be done in such a way that the pollinated area extends to the surrounding healthy seedlings. This method prevents the fungal threads from spreading. Garden pines also need to be looked after, so we draw attention to two pests that are not easily noticed in summer and can easily spread. The first is needle fungus, which occurs on Scots pine. The needle leaves turn brown and develop black striations. Control is possible in early summer and late summer, when spraying with DITHANE will help, but only if repeated 2-3 times every 2 weeks. Active ingredient: 80 % mankoceb Marketing category: III. Usage recommendation: Treatments should normally be started at the first symptoms and repeated every 7-8 days as necessary, taking into account the plant health forecast. Dithane is a contact fungicide, the amount of spray (volume of water used) should be chosen to ensure even coverage of the treated plant surface. Spraying is carried out in calm weather, early morning or at dusk. Do not spray below 10 degrees Celsius or above 25 degrees Celsius in hot sunshine. To control seedling dormancy, use a spray prepared for watering seedling beds at a rate of 1 to 2 litres per square metre. The preparation should not be mixed with lime and oil preparations. Preparation of the spray: To prepare 100 litres of spray, fill the spray tank half full with clean water, measure out the amount according to the table and pour it through a filter into the tank of the sprayer, mixing it with a little water to a thin pulp, stirring continuously. Make up to 100 litres by adding water. Mix the spray thoroughly and use it as soon as possible. Health and safety at work waiting period: 3 days Water protection requirements: Do not discharge the product, its unused residues, packaging or wrapping into running or standing water and do not use within 20 m of the shore. Toxicity warning: practically non-toxic. Moderately hazardous to fish. Not dangerous to bees. Shelf life: 2 years mvi: 3 days; apple crop?ek varasodás, egyéb gombabetegségek (kivéve lisztharmat) 0,2 %, 30 nap; csonthéjasok monília, gnomóniás betegség, cilindospóriumos levélfoltosság 0,2 %, 21 nap; sz?l? (csemege) peronoszpóra, sz?l?orbánc 0,2 %, 21 nap; sz?l? (bor) peronoszpóra, sz?l?orban 0,2 %, 30 days; soybean peronospora, alternaria 0,7-1,4 kg/ha, 21 days; poppy peronospora, Helminthosporium 2,7-3,0 kg/ha, 21 days; hop peronospora 0,2 %, 14 days; onion, tobacco peronospora 0,2 %, 21 days; potato phytophthora, alternaria leaf spot 0,2 %, 21 days; peppers, tomatoes 0,2 %, 7 days; canned peppers, canned tomatoes 0,2 %, 5 days; celery septoria 0,2 %, 21 days; marjoram alternaria leaf spot, fruit spot, stem spot 1,8-2,0 kg/ha, 21 days; tarragon rust 3,0 kg/ha, 21 days; carnation? rust diseases 0,2 %, - day; cereals, sunflower, beans (seed) seed stripping: (wheat powdery mildew, barley downy mildew and other fungal diseases) 2,5 kg/tonne, - day
Weight: 25 kg
Width: 410 mm
Height: 140 mm
Length: 610 mm
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db
Culture: Dísznövény, Gyümölcs, Szőlő, Zöldség

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