Devrinol 45 F 1 l

Selective, liquid herbicide. Herbicide for valuable horticultural crops, which can also be used in several field crops. Superselective in rape. For home garden use, add 20-60 ml to 10 l of water. Suggested technology Devrinol® is a pronounced germination inhibitor. Plants take up the active ingredient at germination, preventing further growth... Long description
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Selective, liquid herbicide. Herbicide for valuable horticultural crops, which can also be used in several field crops. Superselective in rape.

For home garden use, add 20-60 ml to 10 l of water.

Suggested technology
Devrinol® is a pronounced germination inhibitor. Plants take up the active ingredient at germination, preventing further growth. To be effective, soil moisture or 10-20 mm of rainfall after treatment is required. The product is ineffective on germinating and emerged weeds.

Recommended combinations, mixing
In rape: Before sowing: Devrinol® 45 F 2,0-2,5 l/ha In all cases, apply shallow before sowing and top-dress with a product appropriate to the weed conditions. Post-emergence: Devrinol® 45 F 2,0-2,5 l/ha + Command® 48 EC 0,15-0,2 l/ha In all cases the combination should be applied pre-emergently. It is recommended to combine with one of the products authorised for horticultural crops, tobacco, raspberry and currant.

Practical advice Devrinol® should be applied to a well-drained, weed-free soil before sowing or planting or after sowing but before emergence. In horticultural crops, apply 5-6 days before sowing or planting. For plantations, spraying in autumn or early spring gives the best results. In rape, it can be used both before and after sowing.

Mechanism of action Napropamide is a naphthalene derivative with pronounced anti-sprouting activity. The active substance is taken up by the plants at germination and is absorbed to prevent cell division and further growth. Adequate soil moisture or 10 to 20 mm of rainfall after treatment is required to exert the effect. The product is ineffective on germinating and emerged weeds.

SPECIES OF EFFECT The product is effective alone: large broadleaf poppy, parlagium brushgrass, wild oats, wild oat species, pyropha foxtail, cock's-foot trefoil, millet species, muhar species, periwinkle species, pine-oak (seedling), pigweed species, chamomile, white goosefoot, chickweed, mallow, chamomile, bittercress, porcini, henbane, veronica and partially against the downy mildew of cereals.

OTHER INFORMATION The active substance is slowly degraded in the soil, therefore only authorised crops may be used as a second crop in case of main crop dieback. Do not sow or plant lettuce in the treated area for 12 months!

"mvi: 0 days; tobacco (seedling), peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, cauliflower, rape seedlings, rape seedlings, etc. monocotyledonous weeds, seed-sprouting dicotyledonous weeds (cocksfoot, muhar, pigweeds) 3.3-5.5 l/ha, - day; apple crops>2, stone fruit>2, raspberry>2, currant>2, lilac>2, strawberry, rose seed-sprouting? monocotyledonous weeds, seed-bearing dicotyledonous weeds (cocksfoot, muhar, pigweeds) 4.4-6.6 l/ha, - day
Weight: 1 kg
Width: 100 mm
Height: 300 mm
Length: 100 mm
Aviability: 1-4 nap
Basic sales unit: db
Culture: Gyümölcs, Szőlő, Zöldség
Növényvédőszer forgalmazási kategória: III. szabadforgalmú

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